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Our Consultancy and Advisory Solution Services
Banks, Financial and Allied Institutions. 

At AGRICS Ltd, our team has the agro-technical expertise, several years of agrindustry experience and the requisite networks within the Nigeria's agricultural sector to provide technical and risk management support and advisory solutions to commercial banks, micro-finance and other allied institutions that provide loans and credit, guarantees, insurance cover, etc to agribusiness firms, associations, farmers' cooperatives, etc who are engage in business activities along the agricultural value chain.


Banks and Micro-Finance Institutions

The formal financial sector is the engine of economic growth and development of every country. Deposit money banks and micro-finance institutions play pivotal role as intermediaries in the movement of funds from the areas of surplus to the areas of deficit thereby driving economic growth and development through the funding of critical projects and programmes of the various sectors of the economy. 


At AGRICS Ltd, we offer and deliver the following AgConsulting solution services to Banks and Micro-finance institutions. 

  • AgFinance Products Development

  • Feasibility, Viability and Bankability Appraisal of Agribusiness Projects. 

  • Agricredit Risk Management. 

  • Agribusiness Capacity building and Training

  • Agrindustry Finance Research & Advisory

  • Acquisition of High Quality AgRisk Assets

For our above stated services, please click HERE to fill and return our e-request form.​

Insurance Companies

In this era of climate change, the roles of insurance companies in providing cover against insurable risks of biotic and abiotic in nature especially perils such as flooding, drought, pests and diseases infestations, etc have become critical. Most agribusiness that are funded with loans and credit from banks must be adequately insured. There are several insurance companies in Nigeria that underwrite agribusiness risks. In the last 3-5 years, these insurers have paid compensations worth over N20Billions in claims made by farmers and agribusiness firms. Most of these pay-outs are on aerial yield index (AYI) in which the amount is determined using the crop cutting exercise (CCE) technique basically determined via field data collection and analysis.


At AGRICS Ltd, we offer and deliver the following AgriConsulting solution services to our partner insurance companies. 

  • Acquisition of agrinsurance clients for our partner underwriters.

  • Auditing of the AYI payout estimated using the CCE technique.

For our above stated services, please click HERE to fill and return our e-request form.​

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