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SUSEED Multi-Purpose Cooperative Society (SMPCS) Ltd was established to provide support to our members in their various areas of businesses as well as encourage them to save and obtain credits/loans to meet their personal and investments needs. These benefits are available only to registered members of SMPCS Ltd. Why not join us today and experience positive changes in your personal and business lives our support can bring. Please click HERE to download our membership application and registration form.

APPL (Agribusiness Practitioners Personal Loans) Services

People residing in the rural and semi-urban areas in Nigeria are mostly in engage in agribusinesses especially farming which are highly seasonal due the rain-fed system of agriculture being practised in Nigeria. More than 90% of this people in rural and semi-urban areas are within the low income bracket having agric-related business as their occupation. Most often, this set of people cannot meet their personal financial obligations as and when due, hence they are always in need of financial assistance.


At SUSEED MPC Ltd, we provide several support services to agro-based multi-purpose cooperative societies (MPCs) to enable them to provide the following personal loans to their members based on the principles guiding cooperatives lending: ​​

  • Personal Emergency Relief & Settlement (PERS) Loan;

  • Food Availability & Security (FAS) Loan

Please click HERE to contact us for more information on APPLs or visit any of our UASC Centres nearest to you.​

ABLE (Agri-Business Loans for Enterprises) Services

Agribusiness MSMEs in the rural and semi-urban areas in Nigeria at the most disadvantaged in accessing credit and loans from the formal banking sector. This is mainly because their businesses are unstructured, highly risky and cannot meet the stringent lending conditions of deposit money banks (DMBs). Also, given the remoteness of their locations, DMBs lack the requisite capacity to effectively monitor loans given to these agribusiness MSMEs. This has created a huge gap and lopsidedness in funding of agribusiness sector, the foundation of Nigeria's economy. To bridge this funding gap, SMPCS Ltd continues to provide several support services to its members to enable them access the following customized agribusiness loans based on principles guiding cooperatives lending which includes acceptance of some of the conditions outside the risk acceptance criteria of Banks. To access any of these loans, please click HERE to download our ABLEs loan application form.

  • BLOC (Business Liquidity Overdraft Credit)

  • AIDIL (Agro-Inputs Dealership Investment Loan)

  • FAMEL (Farm & Agro Machines & Equipment Loan)

  • WACEF (Working-capital for Arable Crop Enterprise Farming) Loan

  • WALPEF (Working-capital for Aquaculture, Livestock & Poultry Enterprise Farming) Loan

  • HACSL (Harvested Agro-Commodity Supply Loan)

  • WAP (Working-capital Agro-Processing) Loan

  • RuCAAP (Rural Community-Allied Agric Project) Loan

  • SWAP (Sustainable Wealth of Agri-Plantations) Loan

Please click HERE to contact us for more information on ABLEs or visit any of our UASC Centres nearest to you.​

SEEM (Savings Encouragement, Enhancement & Mobilization) Services

Nigeria's agriculture is still dependent on smallholder farmers who cultivate less than ten hectares of land per farmer, as the produce over 85% of food and fibre consumed by household and industry. Besides, these farmers depend on the natural rainfall, hence can farm only once in a year. These challenges have, over the years, kept these farmers in a vicious cycle of poverty and economic misery.  

At ASCCOS Ltd, we recognize the critical importance of farming as the foundation of Nigeria's economy and has designed several support services to ensure that customized agro-finance products are availed to these farmers through their MPCs. This is intended to assist these farmers upscale their investments in farming to increase their incomes and be able to save part of their incomes for their business expansion and diversification. We work with MPCs to ensure that farmers and other agro-MSMEs in the rural and semi-urban areas are encouraged and sensitized to save in the following ways in order to contribute in our objective of low-cost fund mobilization for our mother DMBs which we are the mega agent.  

  • SMALL (Savings Mobilization on Agribusiness Lending & Loans)

  • Thrift Savings 

  • 3PICA: 3rd Party Introducer Current Account

Please click HERE to contact us for more information on ABLEs or visit any of our UASC Centres nearest to you.​

AFRIC (Agri-Facilitating Rural Investment Credit) Services

In Nigeria today, more than 85% of food and fibre for household and industrial  consumption are produced by farmers in the rural and semi-urban areas. Over the years, the rural-urban migration of young and able-bodied men and women has been due to paucity of infrastructures in these areas. This has drastically affected production and evacuation of farm produce, socioeconomic activities and the quality of life in the rural and  semi-urban areas. 


At ASCCOS Ltd, we understand the importance roles of rural and semi-urban economies to the overall development of the agricultural sectors and Nigeria's economy. To this end, we have designed the Agri-Facilitating Rural Investment Credit Services (AFRICS) to support agro-based Multi-Purpose Cooperatives Societies (MPCs) to provide AFRIC for their members residing and working in rural and semi-urban communities through the provision of the following micro-infrastructures. 

  • Road grading, culverts and bridges

  • Pipe borne water

  • Irrigation facilities

  • Solar powered electricity

  • Schools

  • Public toilets

  • Markets


Please click HERE to contact us for more information on ABLEs or visit any of our UASC Centres nearest to you.​

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